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How to stay anonymous on the Internet: 9 best tips

Vira Derii, about Online Privacy

Privacy is not only a nice word. It is a basic human right and you are entitled to it! It's the same in “real” life as it is on the Internet. Unfortunately, various institutions such as authorities, governments, cybercriminals, advertisers, social media, etc. try to interfere with your privacy or even steal your data. With our tips, you can defend yourself against them, protect your privacy, and remain anonymous!

Tip 1: use stronger passwords 

“12345” continues to be one of the most popular passwords. This is a big mistake! Nowadays there are always large-scale data thefts or leaks, where hundreds of thousands of user data get stolen. Hackers then try out frequent simple passwords and can easily crack accounts - and gain access to your account, your social media, your whole life!
And in case you use your password on all of your accounts, criminals have access to everything in one fell swoop! Therefore, always use a different combination of special characters, numbers, and lowercase or uppercase letters for each account. And don't forget that the two-factor authentication is an excellent layer of added protection where offered.

Tip 2: Always avoid public WiFis when possible 

Of course, public networks are convenient, readily available, and often cost nothing. However, hackers also love these networks because they can easily access your personal data here. Cybercriminals often create their own networks whose names sound very similar to the "real" ones – like "Hotel network" etc. The only thing that really helps here is using a VPN which encrypts your traffic and thus prevents people from spying on your traffic and stealing your information. With a VPN, nobody knows who you are, which websites you visit, or what you are doing on those websites.

Tip 3: Block Cookies & Ads

Cookies are particular enemies of your privacy since they create a virtual ID for you. Companies can track your activities, preferences, and behavior on websites and use that information to show you ads particularly tailored to you. Thanks to cookies, you are far from being anonymous - so be sure to block them or at least delete them! The same applies to advertisements that can track you either- it is desirable to use an ad blocker. You can use the OVPN browser add-on that will block ads and trackers for you.

Tip 4: Use a private Browser 

It doesn't always have to be Google Chrome or Safari. On the contrary, in addition to the data-hungry big players, there are many recommendable browser alternatives which you really remain anonymous with - for example, Vivaldi or TOR. You can read more about the browsers here

Tip 5: pay attention to HTTPS. 

A small "S" can have a big impact on the Internet today: HTTPS means that your connection to the website you want to access is encrypted. It is not with HTTP! Therefore, always pay attention to the address line in your browser, whether HTTPS or a small lock appears. The encryption isn't extremely strong and only affects the browser, but it still helps a lot in keeping you anonymous.

Tip 6: Use a private search engine.

 Almost everyone knows that Google collects our search results or data, analyzes them in detail, creates profiles, etc. If your privacy is important to you, you better use an alternative search engine that does not require tracking or data collection - e. B. DuckDuckGo or Qwant.

Tip 7: Don't reveal your location.

 Whether in an app or a device - always switch off your mobile location tracking. Because not only your provider can see exactly where you are with this, but also various websites, etc. can track you! Also, keep location information out of social media - posting wonderful holiday photos on Facebook is not a good idea. Cybercriminals could use this information, as it happened with Kim Kardashian.

Tip 8: Handle your information carefully. 

Everyone on the internet wants your data. Therefore, be particularly careful how much you reveal about yourself. Is a raffle really worth passing on all your personal information? You never know what these will be used for! In such cases, it is advisable to use disposable e-mail addresses in order to at least protect your "real" address. And always keep in mind: what is on the internet stays on the internet ...

Tip 9: Use a VPN. 

Last but not least: with a VPN you really play it safe to stay anonymous and private. At least if it is a trustworthy provider. OVPN, for example, is very focused on data protection and is the fastest VPN provider according to VPNTESTER. Not only are all your data encrypted and your IP address (and thus your identity) concealed, but you can also have a lot of fun surfing, streaming, torrenting, etc. Remember to always connect to your VPN first before you go online. No matter where you are!

Vira Derii